Jesse Vaerendonck
Applied Information Technology Student & Aspiring Full Stack Developer
About Me

I'm a second-year Applied Information Technology student at HoGent, passionate about full-stack development. With a keen interest in both front-end and back-end technologies, I'm constantly learning and working on projects to enhance my skills and create meaningful applications.
Applied Information Technology
HoGent University of Applied Sciences
2022 - Present
Full Stack Development, Web Technologies, Software Architecture, Problem Solving, Politics and Philosophy

Webservice for KSKcolle
A modern website for KSKcolle, a chess club, featuring tournament management, player administration, and an up-to-date calendar.

A digitalized version of the popular board game Kingdomino, developed as a group project during my first year of college.

Personal Portfolio
A modern personal portfolio website to showcase my projects and skills, built with Next.js and featuring a contact form powered by Formspree.